Monday, January 4, 2010

January News


The past month has been a challenging one for the Board of Triathlon Tasmania. The decision by Triathlon Australia to cancel the Challenge Series has meant that the Hobart Challenge Race has also been cancelled. Triathlon Tasmania has been and will continue to work with T3 Events to look ways to ensure that the Hobart Triathlon returns to the calendar in 2011. I would like to acknowledge the effort of the Cradle Coast Triathlon and Multisport Club in running a new Olympic Distance event on the North West Coast – details in the newsletter to be the Tasmanian Olympic Distance Championship and points race for selection in the 2010 worlds.

On a more positive note we have launched the 2010 Mystate State Series - with events at Seven Mile Beach, Latrobe, Devonport region and Beauty Point over the summer. I wish to thank Misstate for their generous support for the states series – in its second year these races promise to be bigger and better than ever. I would also like to acknowledge the other State series sponsors - 2XU, Brooks, Ryders, Fairbrother, and McDonalds. I also wish thank our supporters, Sport and Recreation Tasmania and Southern Cross Television. The clubs runs these races and I recognise that this involves a lot of work by club members. I would like to thanks all of the club members involved in the state series races, Race Directors and their teams, volunteers and marshals, the waters safety an medical support groups that all contribute to running fair fun and safe events.

In closing I would like to acknowledge the contribution of Wayne Gale to triathlon in Tasmania over many years. Wayne has had a major impact as a result of his work and role in junior development and I thank him for this work as he steps down from the board. Triathlon Tasmanian remains committed to continuing and developing the junior development program established by Wayne.

I wish all members a very happy 2010

Marcus Haward



Race 1 of the MyState Financial Triathlon Series was a great success at Seven Mile Beach on Sunday. Over 150 participants raced the 2010 series opener and scored themselves valuable points in the series points score.

Congratulations and thank you to Race Director Marcus Haward and his crew at Triathlon South for putting on a fantastic event.

Open Male

1. Hayden Armstrong

John Hitchens

John Cornell

Junior Male

1. Dylan Evans

2. Alex Clements

3. Thomas Johns

Veteran Male

1. Michael Anderson

2. Terry Moore

3. Adam Coombe

Open Female

1. Amelia Pearson

2. Donna McFarlane

3. Lia Giovanovits

Junior Female

1. Hannah Geelan

2. Jayde Richardson

3. Natalea Smith

Veteran Female

1. Chrsitine Moore

2. Gemma Meinice

3. Julia Hutchinson

Supa Sprint

Open Male Winner – Charles Haward

Open Female Winner – Michelle Copping

Junior Male Winner – Issac Probert

Junior Female Winner – Taylea Petterwood

Race 2 is on Tuesday 26th January at Bells Parade in Latrobe. Celebrate Australia Day with a 400m swim, 16km cycle and 4km run. The race is to be held in-conjunction with the “Henley on the Mersey Australia Day Festival”. A $5 entry to the festival is charged and proceeds raised go to local charities. Stay for the day and enjoy local entertainment, food and festivities. Go to for more details.

Triathlon Tasmania are excited to announce that Race 3 and the Tasmanian Olympic Distance Championships will go ahead on Sunday 14 February. The race will be Tasmania’s most scenic triathlon and the state’s first point-to- point event. The swim will take place in the pristine waters of Lake Barrington, the ride will take in the rolling hills of the Kentish Municipality shadowed by the Mount Roland. The run will be held in the township of Sheffield. Cradle Coast Triathlon & Multisport will be organizing the event and will also be hosting a TRYstars and novice duathlon in Sheffield at the conclusion of the main race. Two of Tasmania’s world class athletes, Joe Gambles and Amelia Pearson are confirmed starters for the event. The Race will double as a national selection race for the ITU World Triathlon Championships in Budapest.

And don’t forget about Race 4 at Beauty Point on 14 March. Everyone that participates in all four races of the series goes into the draw for some great prizes.

· For more information on Lake Barrington and Sheffield go to

· For more specific details on the race go to

· For more information about the series an Athlete information Booklet is on the Triathlon Tasmania website.


“Down South”

2010 already. Geez that came around quick. But hey at least it brought some good weather. At the time of writing, two races have come and gone.

Race #1 saw a huge amount of first timers that hopefully enjoyed themselves and will be back for future races. Was good to see Hayden Armstrong lining up for that race considering his two previous were Clearwater 70.3 World Champs and Hawaii Ironman. Hawaii -> Florida ->Seven Mile Beach yep seems like a natural progression to me. Well done to those at that race that did finish their first ever race, unfortunately it probably means you are hooked, and you may as well take out that bank loan for a new bike and some carbon fibre bling now, no apologies that’s just how the sport works.

State series race #1 is also now out of the way, organisers breathing a sigh of relief Im sure. But with a day that successful they should be very happy with themselves. Huge numbers, great competition at the front of the field, plenty of people enjoying the back of the field, crazy pink budgie smuggler wearing Sydney-siders, a good chance for some body surfing and you cant forget the triathletes of the future in the Trystars race, hey they even put me on tv (ok so not a perfect day I guess)

Race 3 isn’t far away so keep working off all that food and drink from Christmas/new years. This race will also include the club Olympic Distance championships for anyone interested in going a bit longer. After the demise of the Hobart Challenge race this year it will be your only hit-out over this distance in the south of the state, so why not give yourself a bit more of a challenge. Our first twilight super sprint race has also been announced for Wednesday 3rd February, which will combine with a “sporting club challenge” so if you have any friends in a footy/netball/hockey team interested in matching it against the other codes let them know.

Safe training.

Andrew “A Zed” Zielinski

CCTM has reach 125 members to date, we continue to grow as a club each week. Will we crack 200 this season!!! let's hope so. It is so great to see the mass of support we are getting both through members and businesses alike. It was great to see so many CCTM athletes head down to Hobart and support the State Series. Congratulation! to Marcus Haward and his team, on organizing an excellent race.

It is coming into a busy time of the season for CCTM. We are proud to be hosting race 2 of the MyState Financial Triathlon Series and are pleased to announce that we will now be hosting the Tasmanian Olympic Distance Championships in “The Hell in the Hills” Kentish Triathlon in Sheffield on February 14th. Don't forget to check out our blog, things to keep an eye out for: CCTM will be holding an open water swim session some time in the new year. On-line registration for our Latrobe Australia Day race will be open soon.

Send us an email if you have any information you would like to see on our blog or suggestions to help our club grow and improve. We look forward to seeing you all on the 26th of January 2010.

Karen Brown


A report from Jake Birtwhistle


You may have read in one of the triathlon magazines recently that Greg Welch said when you squint you loose about 15% of your body’s energy because there are over 300 muscles in your face that you use to squint. So just by wearing eyewear you can restore 15% more energy.

Ryders Eyewear are the official eyewear sponsor of Triathlon Tasmania. Do yourself a favour and check out the range at Total Performance Sports in the Rooke Street Mall in Devonport or Hobart Sports Centre in the Centrepoint Shopping Centre in Hobart.


Canberra has a long history of hosting national races and following on from TA’s announcement, we are excited to have been allocated the Australian Olympic Distance Triathlon Championships for the 2009/10 season.

Please note that there is a Sprint Distance event part of the weekend.

Canberra has run an Olympic distance race over the Australia Day long weekend for many years and it has become a cornerstone of the TA calendar.

The swim leg takes place in Lake Burley Griffin and takes in many of the tourist attractions this wonderful city has to offer including Parliament House, the National Gallery, Black Mountain Tower, the Australian War Memorial and the High Court just to name a few.

The cycle leg will be run over the new course trialled at the 2009 Australian Duathlon Championships and promises some fast racing on great roads and a closed course. The run leg will be held on the revamped Menzies Walk around the edge of the lake, taking in some beautiful scenery.

The weekend will also include an ITU Junior Elite race, a TRYstars kids race, a sprint distance event, an enticer distance event and the Canberra Capital Lake Swim.

Please note that due to the short notice we received regarding this event, all timings of events are indicative at this stage and may change slightly. We will be working hard over the next couple of weeks to ensure the information here is as accurate as possible so please keep checking the website regularly.

We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful city and crowning some of you as the new National Age Group Champions!

From Triathlon ACT


In December Triathlon Tasmania farewelled long time board member and Junior Development Officer, Wayne Gale from his official role. Wayne made a great contribution to the sport during his time in this role and many juniors and other triathletes have benefited greatly from his expertise. Wayne’s experience will be sadly missed and we wish him well in his future endeavours.

Wayne will still be involved to see the handing over of the junior development program during this season.

Clubs will have more information regarding junior development available for their junior athletes very soon.


T3 events are working with Tasmania Police on delivery of events with in the Australian Police Games in Tasmania next February. T3 events are coordinating the events FOC for the police given the wonderful support given to triathlon in Tasmania over the last 20 years.

Triathlon Tasmania would like to support t3 events and the police by inviting members to act in on course roles during the conduct of the events. The commitment would be for a couple of hours per event. All events are at Nutgrove Beach Sandy Bay.

Events & Dates - Triathlon: Tuesday 23 Feb 2010

- Duathlon: Thursday 25 Feb 2010

- Aquathon: Friday 26 Feb 2010

- Stair Run: Saturday 27 Feb 2010

If you would be available to assist at one or more of these events please email or phone or text 042763155.

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