Friday, April 9, 2010

April News

Series Presentations – Saturday 15th May - Save the Date!
The fourth and final round of the 2010 MyState Financial Triathlon Series was held in perfect conditions at Beauty Point recently. Hobart’s Jonathon Hitchens was the fastest competitor for the day, completing the 750m swim, 30km cycle and 5km run in 1 hour 14 minutes and 9 seconds. Hitchens exited the swim in 6th place and put power to the pedal on the bike to take a commanding lead into the run. Veteran athlete Michael Anderson also of Hobart finished in second place just over two minutes later. Recording his best performance for the season, third across the line was Scott Schilg a further four minutes back. In the women’s field it was Devonport’s Amelia Pearson first across the line, finishing three minutes ahead of former steeplechaser and now triathlon convert Donna McFarlane. Lia Giovanovits was third a further 3 minutes back.

After leading the field out of the water junior competitor Dan Probert put in a solid performance to take the junior men’s title. It was a great hit out for Probert before heading to the School Sport Australia National Triathlon Championships in Adelaide later this week. Jess Ling won the junior female division.

While Michael Anderson dominated the veteran division it was close racing for second and third with Michael Purton (2nd) and Phill Murell (3rd) finishing just seconds apart. Sharron Hetherington took out the female category ahead of Maggie Squires and Nolene Chippandall.

The full results are available on the Launceston Triathlon Club website.

Fifteen athletes competed in all four races of the series and went into the draw for one of two $200 2XU gift vouchers. Well done Karen Brown, Shad Hearn, Jon Hitchens, Casey Mainsbridge, Amelia Pearson, Mick Purton, Greg Walker, Carl Hoddy, Craig Doherty, John Cornell, Adam Coombe, Paul Ranson, Eric Jarrett, Christopher Sullivan, Simon Thiessen on a great series.
Congratulations to Shad Hearn and Greg Walker who picked up the great prizes.

The 2009/2010 Annual Dinner and Awards night will be held on Saturday 15 May in Ulverstone. For those of you who are unaware the Annual dinner rotates around Hobart, Launceston and the North West from year to year. A new format for the night is being developed so put the date in your diary and come celebrate the end of a great season. Invitations will be emailed to all members and we hope you consider coming along to celebrate a great season.

Information regarding the 2009/2010 Triathlon Tasmania Awards is available on the Triathlon Tasmania website. Clubs and individuals are invited to make nominations for the awards. Please read the criteria of the awards before completing a nomination form.
Nominations close at COB on Friday 16th April 2010.


“Down South”
The siren has sounded. Its all over for another season. I’m sure there’s a fair mixture of relief and disappointment amongst everyone.
For many the season ended with their longest races of the season, either at Coles Bay or Port Macquarie last weekend or NZIM a few weeks ago. Personally I only spectated/volunteered/photographed at Ironman, and that was a big enough 19 hour day for me. Congratulations to all those stepping up to a longer distance they hadn’t contemplated in the past, if you want to see something inspirational hang around the finishing chute after the 14 hour mark of an Ironman - unfortunately it means they were all beaten by Tony Abbott - but the overwhelming emotion is something you will never forget. As the shirts on a lot of females in Port so aptly read, and this doesn’t just apply to these crazy long distances, “never never never ever never ever give up”
Prior to that was the annual handicap race, the “yep looks good to me” handicapping system may need some refining for next season, Ill have you all crossing the finish line at once somehow. Well done to everyone in the last few club races in some rather ordinary conditions.
Hopefully we will see a lot of you at the Tri south awards night, bookings essential and available through the website, between now and then have a good think about whether you would like to help out with the work behind the scenes next season and consider throwing your hand up for a spot on the committee. (Its not that bad a job) Plenty of ideas are already floating around for a bigger and better 10/11 season, new race venues, types and times already being looked into.
Safe training for all those hard-core athletes not bludging over winter (from recent experience I do believe this off season training idea might be a good one)

Andrew “A Zed” Zielinski
Tri South

Thanks to everyone who supported Cradle Coast Triathlon & Multisport in our first season. Congratulations to those members who participated in the Coles Bay Triathlon, Australian Ironman, SSA Tri Champs and those that faired well in their age group in the MyState Triathlon Series.

We hope to see you at training sessions throughout the cooler months in preparation for a bigger and better 2010/2011!

Keep checking out our blog for all our latest info.

Joe Pearson
President, CCTM
For all information regarding the Launceston Triathlon Club please visit the website above.

If you have been a Level One TO for a year at least and would like to do a Level two course please notify Suzie Bower via email to: or mobile 0400917407

If you would be interested in attending a Level 1 Triathlon Coaching Course in the near future please email your name, address and contact number to The course is run over a weekend and a assessment follows to complete the accreditation.

In 2010 Tasmanian Clubs have taken the reins to coordinate junior development in their local regions. Supported by Fairbrother, each club will go about providing juniors with the encouragement they need to enjoy the sport of triathlon, please contact your club for more details of the 2010 junior development program in your area.

The Oceania Triathlon Championships were held recently in Wellington, New Zealand. Luke Geelan showed his talent by finishing fourth. Dylan Evans finished a creditable 21st in his first international event.

The 2010 SSA National Triathlon Championships was held in Adelaide from 16-19th March. Congratulations to our relay competitors that brought home bronze medals:
Intermediate Boys - Jonathan Butler (swim), Dan Probert (bike) and Jacob Birtwhistle (run)
Senior Girls - Jayde Richardson (swim), Hannah Geelan (bike) and Natalea Smith (run)
Dylan Evans was the highest placed individual finisher, in 8th place in the Senior Boys.

Congratulations to Triathlon Tasmania & Tri South member Hayden Armstrong on an outstanding performance at the New Zealand Ironman recently. Hayden won his age group and finished 7th overall in a blistering 9hours 11minutes. Launceston Triathlon Club member Susan Casey also put in a great performance to finish 2nd in her age group and 9th overall in 10hours 6minutes.

Congratulations to Triathlon Tasmania members Ric Coyle, Eric Jarrett, Gemma McIncke and Carl Hoddy who have qualified in their respective age categories for the 2010 ITU World Triathlon Championships to be held in Budapest. Go Aussie!